Types of Baby Strollers
As you know there is a wide variety of baby strollers available to choose from. Your choice of strollers will be affected by how many children you plan to use it for, how you are going to use the stroller and where, and finally your budget. All things aside your baby’s comfort and safety will also influence your choice. Let’s take a look at some of the types of strollers available to you.
The standard stroller will fit one child and there are many different features on standard strollers such as play trays, parent trays, fabrics, and handlebars. On many strollers handlebars are now height adjustable which is great back saver.
Double strollers have two seats. There is a variety of seating arrangements for double strollers. The traditional double seat is one behind the other – tandem style. Tandem seating has the first child with a good view and he one in the rear seat sees the back of the other’s head. A variant of the tandem seating is stadium seating. Think of bleachers where each seat is raised slightly above the one in front of it allowing those in the rear to see what’s going on. There is side by side seating as well as face to face seating.
Jogging strollers are very popular because they enable you to bring your child along on a run. The jogging stroller has a triangular wheel base with two large wheels in the rear and one wheel in the front. They have many attractive features. An added safety feature is a wrist strap on the handle bar. This is worn so that when you stop, the stroller doesn’t roll away from you. As always whenever you stop your stroller the break should always be applied. The wrist strap is added protection. Jogging strollers are available for multiple seating as well.
Triple strollers are terrific for triplets or three children. Seating arrangements can be side by side but most have tandem seating or stadium seating. When the stroller is full of kids and you are pushing it will help you achieve your goals of fitness.
Convertible multiple strollers are available where they can be made into double seater’s with additional seats and a transverse bar. You might want to check if this option is available for the particular stroller you are considering.
Umbrella strollers are very inexpensive. They are generally easier to fold and unfold. They are very lightweight and store easily in a car trunk. They are terrific for short trips to the Mall or short walks. They do not work well on all terrain. They do come in multiple seating as well. The only drawback I had with umbrella strollers is that if anything was hung on the handle it caused the carriage to tip backwards.
Light weight strollers are slightly heavier than the umbrella strollers and slightly less than the standard stroller. They typically fold in a single hand motion. They also resemble the standard type stroller. They also come in multiple seating.
Carriage Strollers are convertible strollers in that you can change them from a carriage (a bed on wheels) to a stroller. This is great for infants that are unable to sit up yet. The handle is reversible so you can turn it into a stroller which is great for children who are sitting up.
Bike strollers or trailers are installed by attaching it to the rear wheel. There are two seated models available. They can be converted from a trailer to a stroller with no tools. The restraint system is a five-point harness for each child.
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