The Best Tips For Healing Damaged Credit
You may be hearing a lot about fixing your credit. You may have heard of companies who will wipe your credit clean for a fee, but check out these do-it-yourself tips first before spending any money.
If you are just starting out with your credit, it will be very difficult to find a way to get credit. One option that is normally available, is to get a low balance credit card from a store at your local mall. The big department stores probably will not give you a card, but the smaller stores, such as Old Navy, Rue 21, and Footlocker likely will.
Consolidate many of your highest interest rate credit cards into one large balance with a lower interest rate. One possibility for doing this is to check a peer to peer lending site. These sites offer interest rates that bypass typical charges that you would incur with traditional banking, and allow other people just like you to fund your loan at a lower rate than a bank typically would.
To repair your credit, start making your payments on time. Work on reducing credit card debt and try to keep the balances below thirty percent of the total in the future. Paying your cards on time prevents additional late payment fees and builds a positive history. The longer you can maintain a positive payment history, the higher your score will get.
If you plan to repair your credit you should read the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Knowing your rights can be critical when repairing your credit. There may be debts on your record that are inaccurate, which you have the right to dispute. There are also reporting time lines, so if you know your rights cleaning up your credit will be that much easier.
If you have a credit rating that is less than 640 than it may be best for you to rent a home instead of trying to buy one. This is because any lender that will give you a loan with a credit rating like that will most likely charge you a large amount of fees and interest.
The most common hit on people’s credit reports is the late payment hit. It can really be disastrous to your credit score. It may seem to be common sense but is the most likely reason that a person’s credit score is low. Even making your payment a couple days late, could have serious impact on your score.
An important tip to consider when working to repair your credit is to consider paying off the loan or credit amount with the highest interest rate first. This is important because when you consider how much your interest will compound over a years time, you will end up paying much more money to the higher interest loan. However, this method is not for everyone.
Your credit may need to be repaired, but you are the best person to fix it. After all, you’re the one who created the situation to begin with. Give yourself power again by setting your credit right. More importantly, make sure you learn enough, so that you do not ever have bad credit again.