Skin Care 101 – Break The Acne Cycle
Acne blemishes can be quite a source of stress to the individual who suffers from them. While the causes of acne can be many, solutions to one’s acne are many as well. By reading and learning from the tips that are contained in this article one can reduce or eliminate their acne.
A lot of times acne can actually be caused by poor nutrition. Your skin, just like your heart, brain, and liver is actually an organ. All organs need the proper nutrition in order to function properly. As such if you are suffering from acne determine if your diet is normal and healthy, or if it needs to be adjusted.
Although acne is the subject of many jokes about teenagers, it is a condition that negatively affects the self-esteem and psychological well-being of many young people. If you are a parent who would like to help your child deal with the emotional aspects of acne, there are resources available to help you with this process. Finding a reputable dermatologist who is trained to recognize the psychological effects of skin conditions is an important first step in relieving both the cause and the result of the acne. A counselor or psychologist can teach your teen how to cope with his or her feelings and alert you if the child is having any thoughts of suicide. Find out if there are any acne support groups in your area or search for an online forum for acne sufferers, that you and your son or daughter could join together. These precautionary measures could turn your despondent youth into a happy, carefree teenager again.
You should be consistent with your acne treatment regimen. It is important to remember that your skin will not clear up overnight. Clearing acne from your skin is a process that will take time. You should get into a routine of taking care of your skin and be sure to maintain it.
If you experience a lot of acne outbreaks near your mouth, you should stop using whitening toothpastes or other tooth-whitening products. The chemicals used for whitening teeth can irritate the skin and make it vulnerable to acne infection. Whitening toothpaste also contains abrasives that can damage the skin, accelerating the spread of acne.
Use acne treatments before applying moisturizer. The general rule is to always use the heaviest liquid last. Acne treatments are usually very thin and clear so they should be used first. Moisturizer is a thick cream so it needs to be applied after the lighter lotions, otherwise, the lighter lotions will not be able to penetrate through the moisturizer.
A useful tip when dealing with acne is to be careful about the hair products you choose. Styling gels, sprays and other formulations containing oil, chemicals and scents have a tendency to drip and leech onto facial skin, which can lead to clogged pores. Using only the gentlest cleansers for the hair can also help keep excess oil at bay and away from the face.
Acne is not something that one cannot treat; actually it is very easy to manage once one has taken the steps to learn proper care. By using this article one can take the information they have read to learn how to take care of their acne and even get rid of it.