Must Haves for Your Outdoor Survival Kit
If you are planning a trek through the wilderness, or simply want to be prepared, it is a good idea to have a survival kit. Each survival kit should be personalized to meet your individual needs, as well as, suit the particular environment where you will be traveling.
Many outdoor survival kits are available on the market, but you can make your own at home, or add to the ones purchased from the store. All outdoor survival kits should include some basic items, plus specific things that will help you to make it through the wilderness successfully.
To reduce the size and weight of the outdoor survival kit, select items that have more than one purpose. Items that only have one purpose may be crucial to survival, but if a similar product can perform the identical function, plus meet other needs, choose the one that offers the most options. Avoid duplicating items.
The outdoor survival kit should be split into two parts. The part of the kit that stays in a pouch will contain the bulky items that you need to keep handy and accessible. The other portion of the outdoor survival kit should be pocket-sized. These are the items you use everyday. Be familiar with each and every item in the outdoor survival kit. An item is not going to help you survive if you don’t know how to use it properly.
A quality pocket knife is an essential part of the outdoor survival kit. The survival knife is compact, so it can be carried with you all the time. Choose a variety that is comfortable to use. Various features may also be helpful and reduce the need for other items in the outdoor survival kit.
Waterproof matches or a flint striker are must haves in an outdoor survival kit. Fire can make the difference between success and failure, so always have these items available. Practice using such items at home before you really need them.
Keep with you a small can or container for purifying drinking water. This can may be used to melt snow or ice, or as a filter for drinking water. You may wish to include water purifying tablets in your survival kit, as well.
First aid items are a must for an outdoor survival kit. You may need bandages, for example in an emergency. Include a small supply of necessary prescription medications for severe conditions that you may have, such as an inhaler for asthma.
A compass and map will be very helpful in an emergency. These tools will allow you to find your way to help quickly and easily.
Rope, fish hooks, and dried foods are other items that can be beneficial. Vary your outdoor survival kit as needed to meet the environment and your skill level. Also, consider the amount of space you will have to carry such items when making your outdoor survival kit.
Outdoor survival kits will vary from person to person. Also, your outdoor survival kit will need to be adapted to the specific environment. Keep these things in mind when selecting your items for the outdoor survival kit.