Lukashenko’s Dirty Tricks To Win Belarus President Election
The president of Belarus is unable to go away. Though most people think he should. Most likely Alexander Lukashenko remains the president for unlimited term as a result of outrageous lie and falsifications of election. «For our security forces the tension is so great, that you cannot imagine”, – the president said.
Belarus is threatened with the destiny of North Korea. According to Alexander Milinkevich, one of the opposition candidates, polar night can let down the country. And the main result for opposition will be that the authority will discover a new portion of disloyal people which wait for repressions after election.
Alexander Lukashenko repeatedly declared, that he will not give out the power without fight. “We’ll blow so, that it will not seem a little to them, we’ll turn off heads, we’ll kick from left to right and from top to down, they’ll rush out in one day.” He named contenders at president election as “frozen imbeciles”. The authority equates practically the opposition to terrorists.
There are low chances that a lot of people will express against distortion of election results. Belarusians are intimidated by propaganda and existing total control and slavish contract system. Disloyal people are threatened with dismissal from work, arrest and beating.
They arrested first 4 heads of unregistered public association Partnership – the organizer of independent observation at election. These guys wait now for 3 years of prison. KGB declared, that Partnership was created, controlled and financed by the American organization National Democratic Institute.
One of the arrested persons Nikolay Astrejko married some days before arrest. His wife Polina speaks that KGB members threatened with a pistol to her husband. They brought with themselves witnesses which live in the other end of city. They took away Astrejko’s mobile phone In the beginning of the search and replied the incoming calls. They took away all the information, even writing-books which Astrejko a long ago used in University. They took away also the money presented by guests on the wedding and keys from an apartment.
Later the president declared, that KGB discovered the plot of opposition and crushed 72 organizations which were going to observe the election and withdrew millions of dollars, PC’s, mobile phones. “They prepared to make blow up in a crowd on March, 19 and then block main Minsk city structures and make revolution”, – said head of KGB Stepan Suharenko.
Representative of KGB declared, that they have also withdrawn already filled exit-polls reports prepared by the Vilnius office of Gallup which should be carried out during president election on March, 19. As though the opposition wanted to sound off these figures simultaneously with the official data and to declare their victory.
Rasa Olishovskene, the head of the Gallup Baltic office denied this statement and named it a forgery. This organization was not going to make exit-poll during president election in Belarus at all. Experts speak, that a forged documents have bad quality as there is not figures “against all candidates” and “refused to answer”.
According to Pavel Mozhejko, press secretary of Alexander Milinkevich, the authority have data of the population polls. These figures coincide with those information which authorities named as preparing provocation. According to documents withdrawn by KGB, the victor in president election is the leader of opposition Alexander Milinkevich with 53,7% voices of voters. Alexander Lukashenko has 41,3%. Another opposition candidate Alexander Kozulin 3,8%, Sergey Gajdukevich 1,2%.
In absence of the editor-in-chief A.Karol, oppositional newspaper Zgoda reprinted a caricature on prophet Mohammed which already have done a lot of noise in the West. Most likely provocation has been made by the introduced employee of KGB.
The criminal case is up. The president has declared that the newspaper will be closed and guilty persons will be in prison.
Alexander Kozulin wanted to get to All-Belarusian People’s Congress which was made as Lukashenko pre-election propaganda action. By the way, speakers of this event sent their speeches in the administration of the president a week before event.
In a Railway Palace building, where Kozulin tried to be registered as member of Congress, 6 guys in black jackets and sport caps tumbled down 2 meter high candidate on the floor quickly and professionally.
“They started to beat him with fists and legs, – the head of candidate staff Mecheslav Grib speaks. We could make nothing. Journalists tried to photograph and every one got down. They pressed them to a wall. Each photographer was held by two persons. Television cameraman for Reuters was also beaten. They destroyed his camera”.
After beating, «men in black» lifted Kozulin up, drag off the building and pushed in the dark blue bus. «They jostled me as the ram under a seat in unnatural position, someone sat down from above. In this way I was driving about an hour through the city», – speaks Kozulin himself.
The crowd of people gathered at police building where they delivered Kozulin. Correspondent of KP in Belarus Oleg Ulevich was beaten when tried to photograph as the police began to detain people. The police broken his nose. Later in hospital it was found out that the journalist also have a craniocerebral injury.
Soon two policemen from the press service came to him in hospital like to apologize, but when the journalist could not describe people which attacked him, the police assumed, that he strike with head on the fence himself.
A few days ago site received e-mail signed by staff of KGB. Here is the full text of the letter.
We are employees of Committee of State Security of Belarus and declare the following! After TV statement of opposition candidate in president Alexander Milinkevich and especially Alexander Kozulin, we started to receive messages from places that the population of Belarus actively discusses them, expresses support to those politics and negatively expresses to the side of running authority.
Our information shows, that these days the rating and trust to the working president has sharply fallen. Even in the Mogilev area (native area of Lukashenko) it does not exceed 23%. Talks about TV statements of opposition candidates and also an opinions about events are active on workplaces, in transport, in shops and the markets. The main part of people shows extreme displeasure with suppression and distortion by authority of a true state of affairs. The anxiety for result of voting on March, 19 and confidence of their falsification from authorities simultaneously grows by people.
We see that the authority is frightened. The meeting with heads of power structures carried out by Alexander Lukashenko was really hysterical. Chairman of KGB Stepan Suharenko got the sanction to immediate performance of special actions. These articles of criminal code are on the top: Action on behalf of the unregistered organization and Implication in illegal activity of minors. That’s why have begun searches, checks and detentions.
Round-the-clock closer watch are established for Milinkevich, Kozulin and also for their nearest colleagues. Detachments and checks are reinforced on borders, especially with Russia. They made lists with numbers of cars of disloyal people, including members of families.
Struggle against the organization Partnership is the beginning of provocations of our department. Copies of the fabricated polls are prepared by our structure and we know those people.
And what is ahead?
1. In the day of voting Lukashenko’s headquarters will be in Administration of president. This day there will be all basic heads and all power structures heads.
2. The day of election is the working day for all officials. Everyone should manage process and be at phone.
3. One day before elections – personal care of all leaders of opposition. In day of elections – keeping out leaders from people.
4. Switching-off of the Internet and mobile telecommunications is planned.
5. There will be all possible measures on denial of arriving people from places to Minsk in the day of voting. They prepare the official statement that because of probable provocations arrival to Minsk will be limited: cancellation of electric trains, buses, check of cars entrance.
6. They prepare variant of finding the weapon or an ammunition in one of offices, in garage or the car of the oppositionist. It’s the basic direction of provocations.
7. Members of the election committee will instruct voters, that they will be responsible for carrying out of the bulletins (intimidation).
8. The central places of Minsk in day of voting will be closed, tightly and in various ways (in advance).
9. There is the task to find “skunk” with the big sum of dollars which he should give out to other people for coming out on the streets. Certain people will give out themselves for members of opposition.
10. In the day of voting TV all the day long will reporting about course of voting. Positively about Lukashenko and all dirty about Milinkevich. In other words: mass infringements, purchase of the voices, a drunk active, etc.
11. There will be an instructing of all power structures heads on March, 17 in a Lukashenko’s cabinet according analysis of the received information. After that there will be command how to act: with whom and when.
12. The plan for oppositionists is approved: arrest, police, court,15 day in prison. 2-3 hours time for all this actions. By evening on March 19 there will be no most active members at all.
13. The task is only 1 round and more than 73% of voices to Lukashenko, Milinkevich is not the second.
14. Groups of certain sportsmen are created. They will engaged in fight with police passing themselves off as drunk opposition and also will beat members of opposition.
15. Till March 10, 2006 all members of the election committee will know about measures of their encouragement.
16. The tasks also are:
– To break utterly meetings with voters
– To release and arrest as though Milinkevich brochures
– 3 video sign against opposition are ready.
– During broadcasting of Milinkevich statements, in 2-3 areas to switch off light.
– Police should not let independent mass-media in post boxes of people.
17. They already spy on international observers.
18. Before the election, after TV statements of all candidates Lukashenko will give “estimation” and conclusion to all oppositional candidates.
The authority is ready to do anything. They afraid to lose all feeding troughs, the stolen money and power.
The most part of force and police structures are decent, patriotic people. They said years to us that coming opposition authority will dismiss everybody and the most enthusiastic will imprison.
Let’s work with our colleagues and to win over to your side. We collect and analyze the information understanding essence of the today’s moment and will present it to society when there will be conditions for this.
The order on beating of presidential contender Kozulin has given personally Lukashenko. And chairman of KGB went to look who is stronger: one marine or 30 special force men.
What for we need to serve to such executioners?