How To Live Prosperously and Conquer Debt Before The Sun Goes Down
“What if you could get your hands on some information that would literally alter the course of your life financially—“Before The Sun Goes Down”
A young man in ancient times, began his journey into debt. He slid headlong into the dark financial abyss.
He found himself in a hopeless circumstance. With fading hope he sold himself into slavery to pay back the debt.
Deeper and darker. Before long he was sold to another slave-owner. He found himself amongst strange people, different customs and language—brought even more despair.
“If only I had money, I could pay my debt. It would be easier. I would go back to the life I once had.
Then one day he was handed a “clay tablet”. On it was carved, “The Secrets Of How To Obtain Wealth”.
He asked for money—the man looked the slave in the eyes and uttered these profound words.
“Wouldest Thou A Bag Of Gold Or A Tablet Carved With Wisdom”.
“Nobody understands—-I need money to pay my debt off”.
He was daily reminded of his debt—cleaning animals, shoveling stalls, eating scraps.
Then he remembered, “wouldest thou a bag of gold, or a tablet carved with wisdom”.
He pulled the tablet out and something amazing happened. The words came alive, he could feel the power deep down, as he read each of the secrets carved on the tablet of clay.
Something amazing happened.
At that moment he began to, “Live Prosperously And Conquer Debt Before The Sun Went Down”.
Still in a terrible situation, but life was much different after that.
“What if you could get your hands on some information that would literally alter the course of your life financially—“Before The Sun Goes Down”
Have you ever heard of Quantum Leap?
It’s when the electron of an atom mysteriously disappears—then reappears at a “higher level”. Whewhooo!
The good news—you do not have to stay where you are at financially!
Quantum Leap your Finances to a “higher level”.
Stop being a victim.
Just a few years ago we had a family tragedy. It wasn’t too long before we spiraled downward financially, I mean waaaaay down.
Bills were late, collectors were less than friendly—-we did not want to answer the phone, scarcity, and lack was an everyday reality. I saw no way out. Those days were mighty dark.
Then it happened!
“Quantum Leap”—“We Disappeared” at that low level, and appeared at a “Higher Level”.
“It’s My Turn To Hand The Clay Tablet To You!
1. “Your Thinking”
Are You A Prosperous Thinker Or A Debt Thinker? Focused on what you “do not” have or what you have, what you “do not” want, or what you “want”?
When I saw this—Everything changed.
2. “Your Speech”
Your words support your thoughts—What does your speech reveal? Do you have a prosperous vocabulary or a debt/lack speech? I need, I want— refuse to be needy Develop a vocabulary that attracted finances.
3. “Your Choices”
Choices are an exact science—you get what you aim at. You are where you want to be, hard to belive, but true
Different choices, different place financially.
4. “Take Action Now”
I still remember my defining moment. I decided to take action, and not look back. Since that day–Life has been much different. Debt was conquered that day, “Before The Sun Set”.
“The Clay Tablet” is in your hands—It Works!
Thanks for listening!
Gods Blessings, Anthony Kollar