Government in Exile Tibet — the recognized Tibetan government
With the ongoing unrest and problems in Tibet, several Tibetans have fled and found refuge in several areas of the world. Because of this, the Tibetans reorganized and redeveloped their government while in exile, with the Dalai Lama as the head of both political and spiritual power. This government in exile, Tibet is acknowledged as the Tibetan official government by the Tibetans whether they are inside or outside Tibet.
The government in exile Tibet, has crafted a modern democratic policy — which looks after the Tibetans in exile. It focused on the continuous development and preservation of the Tibetan culture, education, religion, and freedom. Its seat of government is based in Dharamsala, North India, and there are several centers and offices located all around the world — New Delhi, New York, Tokyo, London, Geneva, Moscow, Budapest, Paris, Canberra, and Washington, D.C., etc.
Because of the various locations and offices, and the distribution of the Tibetans in all parts of the world, there are institutions and commissions under this government in exile Tibet that oversee certain functions and responsibilities to look after these exiled Tibetans. They have the “Kashag” or the Council of Ministers administrating these Tibetan communities through the help of its arms and hands — the Assembly of Tibetan People’s Deputies, the Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission, and the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA).
In order to develop, rehabilitate, and assist the Tibetans in accordance to its government in exile Tibet charter, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) works through different units and departments — Election, Public Service, Audit, Religion and Culture, Home Affairs, Education, Information and International Relations, Security, Health, and Planning. These units work together with the host country’s government’s help and international voluntary organizations’ aid, to initiate and implement the government in exile Tibet plans and reconstructions.
The Tibetans in exile are growing in numbers since 1950s, and they are spread across all corners of the world. There are approximately 120,000 Tibetans scattered in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Europe, Scandinavia, USA, Canada, Japan, Taiwan, Australia, and New Zealand, etc. To keep these Tibetans posted and updated, they have Tibetan government and independent publications in different languages. They have their own flag and holidays. They have their organizations and institutions for education, culture, and etc. They act as a real government, having the whole world as their state.
The Tibetans are truly proud of this government in exile; Tibet, though still in its critical moment, is lived and nurtured by the Tibetans all around the world. They may be stateless for the meantime, but they have not forgotten that they still belong to something. This government in exile Tibet has gone a long way, with all the accomplishments and developments that have been done and made. This only shows that no one and no border can stop the growth of a strong and rich culture; the same way, that the host countries are truly accepting and supporting independence, freedom, and democracy, by assisting this government in exile.
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