Aromatherapy Home Study Information
With the increasing popularity of aromatherapy and a return to a more holistic lifestyle, various courses have started cropping up offering aromatherapy home study information for those interested. Below are some interesting places where you can get aromatherapy home study information. Note that the list of site featured here is no way complete, but it does offer you a glimpse of good place to start.
Aroma Studio offers aromatherapy home study information, allowing you to learn more about the art through detailed and accurate information. The aromatherapy home study information course offered here meets the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) guidelines, benefiting anyone interested in aromatherapy home study information, whether storeowners, managers, or sales staff of a retail establishment.
If you’re a practitioner or a manufacturer of aromatherapy products, this course on aromatherapy home study information gives you a clear understanding of essential oil blending, botany, chemistry, and especially safety. The foundation courses included in this aromatherapy home study information include: The Business of Aromatherapy: The Insider’s Guide to Success, Aromatherapy Home Study Handbook (including Aroma Geography and Ancient & Modern Aromatherapy History, 25 essential oil profiles, carrier oils, hydrosols, etc.), Laminated Common Conditions Chart, and more.
West Coast Institute of Aromatherapy offers you aromatherapy home study information and the chance to go to aromatherapy school at home. The Institute offers five types of aromatherapy home study information courses.
First, is the Aromatherapy 101 Course which contains basic aromatherapy home study information, starting at the beginning and giving you everything you need to know to safely and effectively use essential oils every day.
After that is the Aromatherapy 201 Course which builds up on the knowledge you gained and the aromatherapy home study information you obtained from the previous course. These aromatherapy distance learning courses will give the student all the necessary tools to practice aromatherapy in a professional setting.
A combination of the aromatherapy home study information from Aromatherapy Course 101 and Course 201 is the Institute’s Full Professional Course. Graduates of both courses are eligible to join the British Columbia Alliance of Aromatherapists.
School of Natural Healing is also another school that offers aromatherapy home study information for people who are interested to learn more about aromatherapy but are simply too busy to go to school. Their aromatherapy home study information course is comprised of five levels, starting with the basics in herbology, followed by anatomy, and then aromatherapy 1, 2, and 3.
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